Michael-Mary line

Ceremony of dedication

Marcus and I had planned to take a week away from home - a holiday week with no agenda.

While buying crystals, I came across a rather special Quartz, and after some deliberation - because it was rather expensive - I decided that I needed to buy it. Although it is very beautiful, it didn’t feel that it was a personal acquisition. It sat in my kitchen for a day or so until Joanna said that she wondered if it was something to do with the sacred work with the planets and earth grids - the piece of work that Marcus had started to write about. He said it was about grounding the energies of the Jupiter - Saturn conjunction at the winter solstice.

The crystal sat in my kitchen until one day it shouted at me, “Well are you just going to leave me here then?” It was much happier outside.


Marcus realised that during the week we were planning to be away, Saturn was going to turn direct on the 29th September and Pluto on the 4th October, and that it would be good if we could take the crystal to the Michael-Mary line crossing at Avebury to introduce the crystal to the work. In some ways, this was a dedication, but I hesitate to use the term crystal dedication since it implies a human choice for the crystal. This crystal already knew its purpose. It was up to us to realise and support it.

We didn’t have much time to make a plan and, since we were not planning to shoot grouse, we were limited to a gathering of 6 people. So we decided to call our dear friend Sheila and go ahead with the three of us - and anyone else who happened to be there.

On the way up the M5 there was a terrible accident and we sat in a traffic jam for 5 hours. During this time, Sue had a look at the book Marcus had brought along - The Spine of Albion by Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare. In it she read about the statue of Belinus in Bristol, so we decided to go in search.


It was such a beautiful day that we decided to sit in the sun and drink coffee at one of the many cafes. We chose one that didn’t have a loo, and we were directed to one in a market nearby. I got a bit lost, but in doing so came across a stall with a glass case with Mexican Day of the Dead skulls. I’ve often wished that I’d brought home some of these from Mexico, so I bought two. As the man wrapped them, I had a feeling that they might be part of the ceremony.


We drove to Avebury and met Sheila with her beautiful drum and set up at the crossing point of the Michael-Mary currents between the two big stones in the south quadrant. I placed the crystal and Seren took up a guard position. As I placed the skulls, Marcus said that they were to bring in the energy of the Plumed Serpent that passes through Mexico. This is the male counterpart to the Rainbow Serpent that we know as the Michael-Mary line as it passes through England. You can read a bit about the Rainbow and Plumed Serpents here.

We focussed on our brow centres (Jupiter) and root centres (Saturn) along with the tip of the crystal and the base as it sat on the Earth. I played the Koshi Chimes of the 4 elements, Marcus played the Horse Drum, Sheila played her beautiful mother drum and Seren guarded the ceremony.

It was beautiful and amazingly powerful - much more than any of us had expected. We had thought it would be a gentle preparation!

As far as we are aware at present, the next ceremony will be for the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in November. We’ll keep you posted.
