Imbolc is a time of awakening, of the first stirrings of life, of renewal

Imbolc is a time of awakening, of the first stirrings of life, of renewal

Lunar Imbolc, white candle, white, flowers, white crystals

Imbolc, also now known as Candlemas, has come to be associated with the Gregorian calendar dates of 1st/2nd February, but at Heaven & Earth Community we prefer to work with natural cycles rather than relatively recent calendar dates and so choose to honour Imbolc with the second New Moon after Winter Solstice - the same date as Chinese New Year.

Each year, we cease courses and close the shop at Winter Solstice and reopen at Imbolc, allowing ourselves to align our own rhythms with those of Earth, Sun and Moon - retreating to rest and dream in winter - gathering energy for longer days.


As we wake up this morning far from Bridie's land, the clock on this laptop tells me that at home it is already afternoon.

For someone who seldom leaves home, the changing of times has not been easy on my body. It's yet another reminder of how rooted we are in our own land.

Ever since I started to align myself consciously with the turning of the wheels of Earth, Moon and Sun about 35 years ago, my life changed. The more I feel and know myself to be part of the land and cosmic cycles - not affected by them, but an intrinsic part of the Whole - and organise my life to flow with the energy, the more beautiful it becomes.


Beautiful, unique Maiden Bracelets for girls on the cusp of womanhood

Following the success of my Menopause Bracelets, quite a few women have asked if I make bracelets for girls who are approaching womanhood and beginning to experience the effects of female hormones.

I thought this was a very good idea, and so with the beautiful weather enabling me to work outside in the garden, I decided to make a start.

polychrome jasper, ocean jasper & other questions


The other day I posted a collage of some rather lovely Polychrome Jasper hearts and someone asked me:

“How can you tell this Jasper from the Ocean Jasper? Sometimes it's hard to know what we're getting out there (not speaking about you!!). Thanks.”

I love questions! They make me think, and when I answer them lots of people usually say that they had had the same, or similar, questions.

I thought about how to answer this question and realised that there was actually more than one question and there wasn't a simple answer - so here are some of my thoughts on the question of it being hard to know what we're getting out there. Later I’ll address the question of how do you tell the difference.


I’ll start by saying that if I sell something as Polychrome Jasper, or Ocean Jasper, or anything else, to the very best of my knowledge that is what it is. This knowledge is based on over 30 years of working with crystals and asking lots of questions along the way. It's based on having trusted suppliers and also some really good mineral people who I can telephone with my questions - and I often do call to ask about 'new crystals', especially those with fancy names, extraordinary claims and very high prices.

If I don't know what something is, or am unsure what something is, I always say so. When writing about crystal energy, or 'what a crystal does', I share my own personal experience. If something is new to me and I don't know much about it, I say so.

So - back to ‘it being hard to know what we are getting out there’ - there are several reasons why it can be difficult to know which crystal information is reliable.

Firstly, there's been another huge surge of interest in crystals in recent years. In some ways that is good. To me, as a crystal healer and teacher of many years, it's great to see that more and more people are turning to Mother Nature to take charge of their own healing.

But we live in a profit driven society and many people have seen this surge of interest as an easy way to make money with little or no foundation to build on - no idea of what a crystal is made of or how it is formed, where it comes from, whether it is hard or will scratch easily, whether it is toxic, whether it is good or poor quality, what the energetic properties are. Since it is becoming increasingly normalised and acceptable to lie, there’s no reason not to - especially when profit can be made.

I often get people showing me crystals they've bought from eBay, or other sources, 'for a great price'. Occasionally this does happen, but it's rare. I usually don't have the heart to say that it's cheap because it is very poor quality or even not what it claims to be at all.

What can you do? Ask what the seller’s experience is. They should be able and willing to tell you - and be happy to do so. Ask how long they have been in business and what their interest in crystals is. I know some lovely mineral people who aren't at all interested in healing, but they love stones! Where people speak of healing properties, find out what their experience as a healer is. If they are just repeating what they have read from someone else’s experience, they should tell you.

You can use this as an opportunity to hone your discernment abilities. And if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.

Secondly, the massive increase in the 'spiritual market' again has both positives and negatives. Any true awakening has to be good - one might say imperative for our future on Planet Earth. Sadly the 'New Age' has birthed as much utter rubbish as gold - and one example is where there is an emphasis on moving away from the body/Earth.

I meet many people who do not want to know about the physicality of their stones and crystals. Intuition and feelings are considered to be 'spiritual’ and somehow superior. This is no less imbalanced than having a total focus on the material plane and excluding spirit. The physicality of a crystal embodies the crystal spirit, and is an expression of that, and at the very least it will inform you about whether your crystal will be damaged by cleansing it in water or salt.

Ask what the crystal is made of, e.g. iron, silicon, sulphur and where the crystal came from. (Increasingly I forget the latter, but if I have forgotten I'll tell you!) Ask how you can cleanse it and if it is easily scratched or sensitive to light.

Thirdly, the whole field of 'expertise' in the field of crystals is confusing. There's a long history of humans working with crystals, but the recent reawakening really took off about 50 years ago. A small number of people started to meditate with crystals and compare notes. A very small number wrote some excellent books. A combination of ancient crystal lore and the results of these early experiments led to what has now become a body of 'crystal facts' regarding 'what crystals do'.

This is a huge oversimplification, but it has led to lots of very mediocre and some truly terrible crystal books and endless online opinions presented as facts. Recently I came across a crystal that was new to me. I'd heard of it but not seen it until I met the man who discovered it. I asked him about the chemical composition, and he told me that, as yet, testing had been inconclusive. That hasn't stopped 'crystal experts' being very sure about the composition and stating unsubstantiated 'facts' about it online.

Oversimplifying things gives crystal healing a bad name, but it enables the creation of neat packages that can become saleable items! And that leads to crystal courses, but that's for another time. Suffice it to say that just about anyone can be a crystal expert these days, with little or no training or experience so ask questions. Ask lots of questions!

If people are describing healing properties, ask how they know that. Ask about their experience of working with crystals as healing tools. Do they truly know their crystals or are they just another commodity? Anyone with true experience and knowledge will be very happy to share this with customers.


Now to the specifics of Ocean Jasper vs Polychrome Jasper.

Jasper is the name given to a variety of chalcedony or microcrystalline chert - though, confusingly, some stones that are not actually chalcedony are called Jasper! More on this later.

Chalcedony is the name given to all varieties of quartz that are made up of microscopic crystals - also called microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline Quartz. Unlike crystals or clusters of crystals that you can see, Chalcedony is made up of many very tiny crystals that are too small to see. Examples that you might have heard of are Blue Lace Agate, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Brecciated Jasper, Chrysoprase.




Whereas micro or cryptocrystalline Quartz is made up of many very tiny crystals that are too small to see with the naked eye, here you can see single Quartz crystals. These have formed in the shape that you see. They have not been cut or polished into that shape. They are single, individual crystals rather than many tiny ones joined together.

Chert was mentioned above. Chert is a fine grained rock that is composed of chalcedony with various 'impurities'. Flint is a type of Chert.


flint - I really like flint!


ocean jasper/orbicular jasper

Ocean Jasper is the marketing term given to a type of Orbicular Jasper found only in north west Madagascar.

Orbicular Jasper is actually a type of Rhyolite rock or Tuff rock that has orbicular or spherical patterns of Quartz and Feldspar - so it isn't a true Jasper!

Orbicular Jasper occurs in different locations in the world. e.g. USA, Australia, Bulgaria. Serbia, Russia. Californian (Morgan Hill, Santa Clara County) Orbicular Jasper is mainly red and yellow and is known as Poppy Jasper.

ocean jasper

Ocean Jasper is so called because the location where it was found is beneath the sea at high tide. The original location has not been mined for some time now, but small new sources have been found since.

It is very beautiful and is often used for decorative purposes. It comes in many colours, including ivory white, pale to dark green, pink, red, brown with amazing patterns and lots of spots.

All our Ocean Jasper comes from trusted suppliers who work solely, or mainly, with Madagascar. The truth is that, unless I personally go to a mining location, I can never be 100% sure of accuracy, but all the people I work with have been in business for a long time and I trust them.

In common with many Jaspers, it is supportive and protective. It is also calming and brings a sense of well-being. I feel that it works especially with the Heart and Earth Star chakras. From this calm, supported, protected space, we are more able to accept who we are, and express who we truly are more confidently, and without self-judgement, out into the world.

I have found that it has been very helpful for people who have angina. Please be aware that I am not suggesting that this stone is a cure for angina, but from the first time a student noticed and reported a real improvement, I have experimented with it many times.

Several years ago I bought lots of very pretty small raw pieces of Ocean Jasper and they have been coming out a bit at a time. I thought they’d all gone but then I found more hiding away in one of my ‘get to it later’ boxes. I’ve made them into small grid sets but they haven’t yet made it to the shop. If you are interested in a set like these, let me know.

polychrome or desert jasper

Polychrome (literally poly/many and chrome/colour) Jasper was discovered in 2006 in Madagascar when searching for new sources of Ocean Jasper. Also known as Desert Jasper, Polychrome is a variety of Chalcedony with beautiful patterns of Cream, Brown, Red, Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue.

Like all Jaspers, Polychrome is stable, grounding and long-acting. It helps us to connect with Mother Earth at a deep level – not the soil and plants close to the surface, but the deep rooted rocky depths. As well as embodying the Earth element, Polychrome also has Fire and it brings energy, vitality and a passion for creativity.

One thing that I find fascinating is that it has a particularly lovely texture and feels much smoother than most Jaspers/Agates. It is very silky and sensuous to hold and stroke.


We only buy Polychrome Jasper from one supplier who works solely with minerals from Madagascar.

Both of these stones are good gifts for those who ‘don’t do crystals’ because they are visually very attractive and interesting.

Thankyou for your questions and for inspiring this blogpost! Keep the questions coming ❤️

Some recommendations:

Some books that I like ❤️
Anything by Katrina Raphael
Anything by Sue and Simon Lilly
Michael Gienger - Crystal Power, Crystal Healing - quite left brain, but an interesting approach (I’m not keen on his later books)
These books may be quite old but the authors all work with crystals and have many years experience

Other shops with people I know, trust and love ❤️
Aristia - Michael Eastwood - lovely man with some really beautiful pieces
Rebel Angel - Janelle Scialla - lovely woman who also writes some good stuff


I’ve been thinking about International Women’s Day next week. We’re inviting women and girls to join us in a short online ceremony and I’ve been making a few bracelets with some of the crystals that are in our Goddess Bundle.


Moonstone is a pearly white feldspar that helps us to align with, and flow with, all the cycles of life. It has a strong affinity with the emotions, and is calming and soothing.

It is excellent for women at all stages of life, balancing hormonal upsets, helping with ‘PMS’, painful menstruation, infertility and the challenges of pregnancy, easing birth, for post birth support and for menopause. Moonstone reminds women of their divinity – that all are goddesses.


Carnelian is a variety of quartz, sometimes called Orange Agate, which ranges from pale peachy orange to deep brown-orange.
It carries the combined energies of Earth and Fire, and is warming and energising. It enhances creativity on all levels, and has a particular affinity with the sacral chakra. It can help us to connect with ancestral wisdom held deep within Mother Earth. It supports women to be strong, creative, confident, and in touch with their true feminine power, and helps men to know and understand the deep ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine within themselves, the women around them, and the Earth.


Iolite is a beautiful deep violet blue that supports intuition and inner knowing. It is the gemstone variety of the mineral Cordierite. Iolite is a stone of visions, dreams and dreaming, helping us to connect with the realms of spirit. It has a powerful feminine energy and is one of the stones in my ‘Goddess Pack’. Iolite links us to the Queen of Heaven goddess archetype – Isis, Astarte, Mary, Juno.


Chrysocolla is a copper base mineral with a wonderful intense turquoise-blue colour. It is soothing and calming, helps to dispel anger and aid communication.

Chrysocolla is one of the ‘Goddess Stones’. It supports the energy of the Divine Feminine in women and men. It encourages creative self-expression on all levels.


Bracelet 1

Carnelian and Moonstone

7.5inches - medium size

£19 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 2 - now sold

Moonstone and Carnelian

7.5inches - medium size

£19 plus p&p

These bracelets have not yet been added to the shop. To purchase, please email

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 3

Moonstone and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£20 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 4

Moonstone and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 5

Moonstone and Chrysocolla

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 6

Moonstone, Carnelian, Chrysocolla and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 7 - now sold

Moonstone, Carnelian, Chrysocolla and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size


These bracelets have not yet been added to the shop. To purchase, please email

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.


We also make Goddess Gift Sets with a choice of a white or peach Moonstone bracelet and three different Moonstone tumble stones in white, red and black.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Happy International Women’s Day



As we approach Valentine’s Day, I thought we’d show you some of the lovely hearts we have in stock. The first that popped up to be photographed were all blue and I was pretty sure I’d written about blue crystals earlier. If I did, I can’t find it now, so here goes . . .

In this photograph you can see four different blue crystal hearts - Sodalite, Dumortierite, Angelite and Lapis Lazuli.



In the lower half of the hearts photograph there are two large and two small Sodalite hearts.


Sodalite is a beautiful deep blue. It is has a strong wisdom and is deeply calming and relaxing, even slightly sedative. It can be helpful for panic attacks.

An Air element stone, it can calm a busy mind, align mind and heart, balance the logical with the spiritual and help us to step back from complicated or overwhelming situations in order to gain a clearer perspective. It has a strong affinity with the Brow Chakra and assists in seeing beyond the ordinary and obvious and journeying to other realms.


In the middle of the hearts photograph is one large Dumortierite heart.



Dumortierite is denim blue. It has a comforting, grounded energy and is my personal favourite to bring a good night’s sleep – both falling asleep and staying asleep. You’ll find it in my Sleep Aid Bundle.

It encourages self-belief, helping to bring confidence in trusting one’s own perceptions and viewpoints, and this in turn releases stress and confusion. This can be very helpful at present when we are overwhelmed by lies masquerading as truth.

Buy Dumortierite here


In the hearts photograph, there is one small, pale blue Angelite heart.


Angelite is a beautiful pale blue mineral that brings calm and peaceful acceptance. As the name suggests, it can help communication with the angelic realms and other spirit guides, but it does so in a very matter-of-fact way. It’s the most grounding of the ‘angelic stones’ so can be good for those who have a tendency to float away.

Angelite is a soft stone and needs to be treated with care. Please cleanse using a non-water method.

Buy Angelite here


There are five Lapis Lazuli hearts in the hearts photograph - one large and 4 small

Lapis Lazuli

We have bought lots of truly beautiful Lapis Lazuli recently.

Lapis Lazuli is not actually a crystal, but a rock comprised of the minerals lazurite (deep, rich blue) calcite (white) and pyrite (gold flecks).

It is renowned as a ‘spiritual stone’, with a long association with wisdom and truth, and is considered by many to be useful for psychic protection.

Lapis has a strong affinity with the brow chakra/third eye. It is calming to the everyday mind and can help to bring a sense of clear perspective. To me, the main gift and power of Lapis Lazuli is to take us deep within to access our own wisdom and truth. In my experience, it is one of the main stones to access past life memories. When the time is right, this can happen very quickly.



I’ve been asked the above question quite a lot recently. It may be because we’ve had some particularly lovely Fluorites lately.

I thought I’d take a moment to explain a bit about colour in crystals.

Some crystals are always the same colour, e.g. Malachite is always green; Azurite is always blue; Peridot is always green; Cinnabar is always reddish. These minerals are called ideochromatic and the colour causing elements which are essential to their chemical structure. Copper is responsible for the green colour in Malachite - Malachite is composed of copper, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen Cu2(CO3)(OH)2. Iron is responsible for the green colour in Peridot - Peridot is composed of magnesium, iron, silicon and oxygen (Mg, Fe)2SiO4.

Some minerals come in different colours, where the colour causing elements are not part of the essential structure but occur in minute quantities called trace elements or “impurities” of light absorbing elements. They are called ‘allochromatic’ and there are many examples.

We usually think of Topaz as gold or blue, but it can also be clear, yellow, orange, grey, purple, blue, black, violet and green.

The mineral Corundum comes in different colours. Red Corundum is Ruby. Sapphires, also Corundum, come in many colours including blue, pink, purple, green, orange, brown, white.

Tourmaline comes in many colours. Black Tourmaline is known as Schorl, red Tourmaline is Rubellite and pink is sometimes included in this, green Tourmaline is Verdelite, blue Tourmaline is Indicolite and brown Tourmaline is Dravite. Some crystals grow with different colours at each end and some, e.g. Watermelon Tourmaline, have a red or pink centre with green overgrowth.

Perhaps the crystal you are most familiar with is Quartz, which occurs in many colours. Clear, colourless Quartz is pure silicon dioxide. Most coloured Quartzes have trace elements within their structure. Purple Quartz is known as Amethyst; pink Quartz is Rose Quartz, Yellow/Golden Quartz is Citrine.

To my knowledge, different colours of Fluorite don’t have specific names. Purple Fluorite is Purple Fluorite; green Fluorite is Green Fluorite.

Fluorite occurs in many colours; all fluorites share the above properties, but each colour emphasises certain characteristics.

Smoky fluorite is particularly good for the cleansing and protective aspects, and, apart from the very rare black variety, is the most grounding of the flourites.

Golden/Yellow fluorite is inspiring and creative, opening our minds to greater possibilities that are aligned with spirit.

Green fluorite is cleansing and healing to emotions and mind, and brings these two aspects into harmony within us.

Blue Fluorite is calm, peaceful and serene. It is good for ordered thinking and prioritising goals.

Purple Fluorite is good for purification of the mind, enhancing spiritual connection and meditation.
It is an excellent transformer of energy and can transmute negative thoughts and attitudes within, as well as external negative energy in our environment.

Lavender Fluorite is peaceful and calming, and connects us with divine inspiration and bliss. White/Clear Fluorite is clearing and cleansing for the aura and aligns us with our spiritual purpose.

Rainbow Fluorite combines all colours and is clearing, cleansing and harmonising on all levels of being, bringing order where there is chaos.

Flower Fluorite is a gentle purple, lavender and cream/white stone. It is soothing and gently supportive, and good in times of stress.

Read more about Fluorite (and some other crystals) here:

If you’d like to find out more about this, here are some links:
Gem Society

Shared with love xxx


Last night I created a crystal grid to support a group of people who are making a pilgrimage along the Michael/Mary line. It’s been an interesting process, and I thought those of you who love crystals and crystal grids might be interested to hear about it.

Many such journeys have been ‘on hold’ for quite some time now, including those we thought we had planned! It brings to mind “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” - an old Yiddish adage meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.”

This group of people have come from USA with our dear friend Aluna Joy and Marcus went to meet them in London last Sunday. From London they travelled to Bury St Edmunds then visited many sites along the energy lines. They are currently staying in Glastonbury and we’re expecting them here in Cornwall tomorrow.

In the past, we’ve had one of the women from our circle meet them in Bury St Edmunds, various friends join them along the way and a group of sisters join them at the Hurlers for ceremony. We sent a small crystal bundle, with Preseli Bluestone and Rose Quartz, for each person to carry, but by the time I thought about it I felt unable to gather people or organise anything. I did think I’d make a crystal grid to anchor the group in this land and to support their weaving with the energy lines, but that wasn’t easy.

I spent days trying to ‘feel’ the group and/or call in a crystal grid but I just couldn’t do either. I could have made something from a headspace, but whatever we are led to believe, that’s not actually how powerful crystal grids work.

There were vague, faint images of merkabahs - far off and I couldn’t grasp them. Interestingly, we’d just bought some rather lovely little crystal merkabahs recently and I’d unpacked them only a few days earlier. But that was all I had, and try as I might, I couldn’t connect with Marcus or Aluna and certainly not with a group of people.

Then I heard from Marcus that members of the group were coming down with covid and that all plans were having to be managed very creatively. Each day I meditated and tried to connect - and failed. Then Aluna got sick. Then Marcus got sick. Several dear friends of ours were stepping in to give practical support and I really wanted to help, from Cornwall, with energetic support.

Yesterday, just after lunch, I suddenly made contact! I could feel a woven thread between us. Less than an hour later, Aluna messaged me to say she was beginning to feel better. I had to go out so although things were coming in I decided to wait until I could pay full attention.

I went over to the Crystal Barn, placed the grid board since I knew the grid was to be a pattern of 6 - for balance - heaven/earth - male/female.

Joanna had put the merkabahs in a lovely display for today’s Crystal Open Day and I’m afraid I messed it up! I’ve written a little about the crystals here, but you can read more by clicking on the pink crystal name to go to the free factsheets.

The clear Quartz needed to be on the outer rim to hold Light around everything.

“I come into alignment with my true and divine purpose.”

Clear Quartz is considered by many to be the “master crystal” and has been respected throughout history as a powerful healer, transformer and teacher. For many people, Clear Quartz is what the word “crystal” describes. Because Clear Quartz embodies the frequency of pure white light, which contains all colour vibrations, it works in many ways, and on many levels.

My personal experience of the Spirit of Clear Quartz is of a bright, white star in an icy, snowy vastness. There is total purity, an absolute limitlessness, with the bright star of inspiration.

For many people, their first experience of Clear Quartz crystal is one of increased balance and harmony. They may feel calmer or they may feel more energised and positive, depending on what is needed. Often, however, clear quartz can bring a challenge. It teaches us about clarity, purity, focus, direction and directness and works to clear any energy that is not in alignment with our Spiritual Blueprint to bring us into alignment on all levels of being.

Before we are born, our Soul/Spirit Self makes choices about how we will incarnate in order to learn the lessons needed to contribute to, or complete, our evolution. As we experience the lessons of life, we often become out of balance, and the path of rebalancing forms a large part of our learning and growth.

Clear Quartz can help to release negative and limiting emotions and thought patterns and beliefs which no longer serve us. As these move out of our energy bodies there is often a corresponding energy change in the physical body. These changes on physical, emotional and mental levels can be challenging. They may be experienced as intense heat or cold, headaches, nausea or sickness, pain in the body, or many other physical symptoms. On emotional and mental levels there may also be challenges as painful emotions are brought to consciousness and released and those things that have seemed to form the foundations of our lives are brought into question. As we release imbalance, disharmony and limitation, we move into a situation where all our energy bodies, all aspects of our being, come into alignment. From this place there is an experience of balance, clarity, and bliss. We are able to function effectively on all levels, with great clarity and sense of purpose, with minimum effort producing maximum results, and an experience of harmony in all things. We can move gently, but powerfully, through life, making our own personal contribution to the world, taking full responsibility with joy and in appreciation.

As our awareness changes, we may find it easier to access the multidimensional world of Spirit. Humans have worked with the energy of Clear Quartz in this way for millenia. It has been used to aid meditation, develop sensory and “super-sensory” awareness, including telepathy. Clear Quartz is an excellent aid to dreamwork, though some people find it much too stimulating to get any sleep with.

Quartz is a natural amplifier of energy and placed with any other crystal will increase the effect of the latter’s energy. This is why much jewellery is created with smaller gemstones joined to clear quartz crystals. Not only are the two energies combined, but the quartz amplifies the energy of the additional crystal.

The Amethysts brought their powers of deep healing and tranformation to the centre.

“I remember that I am Divine”

The Spirit of Amethyst reveals itself to me as a huge woman/goddess, filling the universe. Within her womb is the earth, and all planets.

Others have experienced Amethyst as the King, to Rose Quartz’s Queen, but to me, she is the Goddess in all her Creative Power.

She is regal, majestic, with an awesome power. Amethyst knows herself, and so has no need to proclaim herself. She is a subtle power, which comes in gently. Because of this gentle approach, the power of Amethyst may sometimes be underestimated, but when a true connection is made, there is no doubting the quiet strength of this crystal.

Amethyst holds both the red and blue rays, and so carries the calming, soothing qualities of blue, with the vibrant qualities of red. Because of this, it is an excellent all round healer, which aids in a movement away from any extreme, and helps to bring balance in all things.

Amethyst also teaches us about the Law of Cycles. Everything has its time. All time moves in cycles, and all other beings on this planet flow naturally with the cycles of time. As humans, we need to find a way to step away from fighting and trying to control nature, and move back into harmony with the cycles of increase and decrease, of waxing and waning, of growing and dying.

At a mind level, I thought I’d be adding Amethyst hearts but that was not to be. Instead these lovely Fluorite hearts volunteered.

“I expand and purify energy and bring order and structure into daily life”

Fluorite is expansive, creating space between thoughts, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, energies of all kinds. It then clears, transforms and transmutes anything that is ‘negative’ and brings structure and order to what remains.

In this way it calms and settles the mind and is good for meditation, spiritual growth and increased psychic awareness. It cleanses the aura and gives protection by clearing negative thought patterns and transmuting all negative energies. It can bring a little distance in times when emotions overwhelm us, so that we can see both what needs to be done and what needs to be healed. It is also excellent for concentration and focus, and is an excellent gift for students.

Lie with a Fluorite octahedron on the forehead to clear excessive mental energy from study or when emotions are high and thoughts go round and round, making situations worse. Alternatively, place three octahedra round the head (one above; two on either side by the temples) or place three octahedra, one on the brow, one between heart and throat, one below the navel. With these placements it can be useful to have a grounding stone such as Black Tourmaline or Hematite beneath the feet or Smoky Quartz or Smoky Fluorite in the hands.

In the environment, Fluorite can be used to help with the electromagnetic disturbance from computers, microwaves, and other devices. Place a cluster by your computer screen to help with this and at the same time help with focus and concentration.

Next came the Preseli Bluestone and Sarsen Stone skulls and dragons - powerful stones of our ancient land
They stand as guardians of the four corners.

The next stones came in quickly. I was on a roll and forgot about taking photographs!

Lots of Selenite was needed.

“I am pure white light”

Selenite is truly a stone for now (I wrote this several years ago now, but it is still true!) as it helps us to connect with the highest frequency of pure light energy. When working with it, a wave of purity flows through us; it is clearing and cleansing, helping to remove anything that is not in harmonic resonance. It raises our consciousness/spiritual awareness and helps to change our frequency so that we can embody the new, higher frequencies that are pouring into our planet.

You may well have read that Selenite is a spiritual stone that helps us to connect with angels and higher beings, aids shamanic journeys, etc. It certainly does all of that, but what it also does is to change the nature of matter so that it can receive and hold the highest frequencies of light that have been flowing into our beloved planet, particularly since the portal of the 2012 winter solstice. We are all part of this massive shift, whether or not we are conscious of it. The cosmic energy coming to our planet is different – it has been changing for some time and will continue to do so, whatever we do. It is changing the nature of the material world. Everything is changing – very rapidly.

Being here, on Mother Earth, at this time, can often feel challenging. Daily we hear stories of terrible things that are happening, but at the same time there is a powerful energy of change coming from the centre of Creation, through us! It is imperative that we stay as clear and pure as possible. We must reject the indoctrination of greed and inequality that has held power for too long, and refuse to get caught in the fear and hopelessness that we are being fed daily. We live on a beautiful planet that has all that we need – for everyone. We can choose to align with the Light, and birth the new world, and Selenite can help at this time.

After the Selenite came Chariote. Charoite comes from the Chara River area of Russia and has beautiful swirling patterns in lavender and purple. It is profoundly transformative, bringing healing at deep, karmic levels. Initially I placed it closer to the centre, between the smaller Selenite towers and the Amethyst Merkabahs. As soon as I placed them I knew I needed to move them out.

What I understood was that ‘space’ or ‘emptiness’ was of the utmost significance - that we are in a completely new situation that is beyond our current understanding. All we can do is to keep on clearing, keep holding the light, keep doing what we can to transform our (completely justifiable) feelings of fear, anger, impatience, overwhelm, hopelessness, keep addressing our deepest healing needs and keep holding space for the new to birth - knowing that we can’t know any answers at all at present and trusting in the greater plan. This isn’t to say that we just focus inwards and meditate - though along with prayer that’s certainly a great idea. We also need to keep shining the light into all the dark places, within and without, calling out the wrongs, where ever we see them and taking appropriate action when we can.

The final crystals to be placed were small clear or Ice Calcites - between the Amethyst Merkabahs. All Calcite (which comes in many colours) is clearing and releasing, moving through blockages and patterns to new ways. Ice Calcite has a bright, spiritual energy. Although Calcite works at deep and profound levels, it ‘comes in gently’ and can be easier to work with than some other minerals.

I lit the candle and sat with the crystal grid - at last able to link in with the travellers. I prepared to leave the barn and shut the chickens up for the night. It was completely dark. Two hours had passed. Back in the house I messaged Marcus and sent him photographs. He replied:

That's beautiful - feels very spacious

I look forward to seeing the travellers tomorrow - however many of them are still well enough to visit. I look forward to introducing them to beautiful Cornwall and her magic. Having made a long journey to be in this precious land, I’m sure there must be some frustration at the challenges that they have faced.

I also hope that sharing my process brings something of value to you. May we all hold space together at this amazing time. May we remember that we are not alone at all. There are many of us working in all kinds of ways to bring about change.

“My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Last weekend we were at the Healing Light Festival and I was asked so many times about crystals to bring support during menopause. It’s clearly a huge issue! I’ve worked with lots of women over the years and found that good crystal healing treatments can be really helpful. However, not everyone can access regular treatments over a period of time and so this led me to think about creating Menopause Support Bracelets for self help.

The way that I work is always specific to every client. It’s very unlikely that two women with the same symptoms will need the same treatment – because they are much more than a set of presenting symptoms - every woman is different – totally unique.

Not only that, there are lots of symptoms associated with menopause and not everyone experiences all of them. And to make it even more complicated, there isn’t a single crystal for each symptom. If I were to create bracelets that include everything but the kitchen sink, then the bracelets will not look pretty - and they need to look pretty as well as being effective.

So I asked women what symptoms they thought I should focus on.

Nearly everyone mentioned fatigue, flashes or sweats, poor sleep and increased anxiety or low mood. Other common things were poor memory, lack of focus, reduced concentration, pain and stiffness. Some women mentioned dry skin/vagina and lack of sex drive.

We know that hormonal changes are responsible for menopause and my favourite crystal for hormonal regulation is Moonstone, so Moonstone is included in every Menopause Bracelet.

Lots of women mentioned fatigue and there are several crystals that can be used to increase energy. We need to be thoughtful, however, since some crystals that increase energy will not help with poor sleep nor hot flashes!

I’ve decided to make several bracelets with different combinations of crystals. I’ve chosen each crystal for particular properties that I think will be helpful. These are not necessarily all the properties of those crystals!

Find Menopause Bracelets here

You may love to wear a bracelet, and certainly I’ve had a lot of interest since I first mentioned making them. Alternatively, you might prefer to carry a pebble, tumble stone or thumb stone in your pocket or bra, or use a beautiful, fragrant Aura Mist Spray.
I’ve linked each crystal to the relevant page so that you can see what’s available.


Amethyst – violet to deep purple - can calm an overactive or anxious mind, help with sleep, tension headaches and general physical pain, and it’s a great transformer of energy. The menopause it a major time of transformation in a woman’s life, and many of the challenges are as a result of changing from one cycle of life to another.

Find Amethyst here and here

Purple Sage Amethyst

Purple Sage Amethyst - purple, lavender and white - is a type of agate. It has many of the properties of Amethyst but is softer. It can help to combat the self critical or self destructive thought patterns when we tell ourselves that we aren’t doing well enough, aren’t trying hard enough, aren’t copies as well as others, aren’t as good as others, etc.

Find Amethyst here and here


Aquamarine – pale green/blue - is cooling and soothing (water element), brings calmness and peace. It can help us to ‘go with the flow’, and release anxiety, fears and phobias. I have found Aquamarine to help with fluid retention. It brings clarity and can help us to express our truth, even when this may be a challenge. It assists us to stay calm and focussed under pressure.

Finda Aquamarine here

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate – pale sky blue - peaceful, cooling and soothing (air element), bringing a feeling of space and freedom. It can help with “hot” conditions, such as fevers, infections, inflammation and temper, and can help soothe painful joints. Joint pain in menopause is caused by the lack of oestrogen which is naturally anti-inflammatory.

It is a gentle energy which resonates especially well with sensitive, shy, introverted people. It can help us to speak out when we feel afraid to express our needs or opinions. It can also help to find distance, or a sense of perspective, when feeling overwhelmed.

Find Blue Lace Agate here


Citrine – lemon to golden yellow - is uplifting, joyous, bringing positivity, optimism, confidence and self-worth. It brings a fresh brightness to stale situations, clearing away stagnant energy on all levels, and making way for the new. Work with Citrine when you feel emotionally exhausted, or when you are mentally stuck and need a new vision or viewpoint, or when there is stagnation in the body and the cells or organs need a clear out and some new fresh energy. Use for sluggish digestion, to get things moving. Use when it is time for a detox – physically, mentally or emotionally.

Citrine can be of great help in raising confidence and self esteem, reminding us of our unique gifts and of who we really are.

Some people find Citrine quite buzzy so this may not be a good choice for you if you are very anxious or not sleeping.

Find Citrine here

Happy Aura Mist Spray contains Citrine crystal chips, Citrine Essence with uplifting essential oils


Fluorite – purple, green, clear - calms and settles the mind, brings order to chaotic thoughts, aids concentration and focus. It cleanses the aura and gives protection by clearing negative thought patterns and transmuting all negative energies. It can bring a little distance in times when emotions overwhelm us, so that we can see both what needs to be done and what needs to be healed.

Find Fluorite here

Focus Aura Mist Spray contains Fluorite crystal chips, 5 Fluorite essences and essential oils to aid focus and concentration.


Garnet – deep red - increases energy and sex drive. Garnet is a powerful crystal that increases life force energy. It brings energy, positivity, confidence and determination to get things done. If you have been avoiding tackling things that need to be done, or putting up with things you know are not good for you – pick up a Garnet to bring the energy you need - and deal with it.

Garnet can be hot and passionate so this may not be a good choice for you if your main symptoms are flashes/sweats.

Find Garnet here


 Howlite – white with grey markings - calming, balancing, anti stress. It is a beautifully calming stone that is often overlooked and undervalued. I think of it as a sensible, practical stone that settles fraught emotions and frazzled minds, enabling us to listen to the wisdom of our higher selves. For a white stone, it is surprisingly grounding.

Find Howlite here

New Jade

New Jade – palest green - is a kind of Serpentine and it is cleansing, detoxifying and deeply calming. It has the profound spiritual depth of Jade, but it also has a lightness and sweetness that makes it easy to be with.

If you spend a lot of time at a desk or in an 'unnatural' environment, New Jade brings a breath of fresh air and a lovely, calm energy.

New Jade is also called Bowenite.

Find New Jade/Bowenite here

White Jade

White Jade - white - has a very gentle, soothing, feminine energy that can alleviate stress and anxiety.

Find White Jade here


Lepidolite – lavender, pinkish purple - a peaceful stone, dispelling worries and bringing calmness and serenity. It soothes ruffled emotions and is excellent for stress, anxiety and depression. It is a perfect ally when you are feeling ‘frazzled’. Lepidolite is a good stone for meditation and spiritual awareness, and for helping to bring a higher perspective to challenging situations.

Please note that these beads are not ideal since they have been ‘colour enhanced’ and are darker in colour than I was hoping for. I still like them, otherwise I would not have included them! I’m still trying to track down some natural Lepidolite beads.

Find Lepidolite here

Pearl and Mother of Pearl

Pearl and Mother of Pearl - white - a very soft and gentle female energy, pure, calm and receptive. Pearl and Mother of Pearl can help us to step away from the rat race and distorted masculine values into the essence of the deep feminine.


Quartz – clear, colourless - clearing, brings clarity, amplifies other crystals. For some people, Quartz can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing.

I’m adding a few to some menopause bracelets for their bright and amplifying properties. If you are agitated and have badly disrupted sleep, maybe give this a miss and choose something more calming instead.

Find Quartz here and here

Cleanse Aura Mist Spray contains Quartz crystal chips, Quartz crystal essence and pure essential oil for cleansing.


Rhodonite – pink with grey or black markings - brings the energy of love into day-to-day living. It gives practical support, reduces stress and brings self esteem and confidence. It can help you to work towards attaining your needs whilst remaining loving and open. It can support you to bring your gifts forward in service to your community and assist you to live your Soul’s purpose.

Find Rhodonite here

Love Aura Mist Spray contains Rose Quartz crystal chips, Rhodonite and 4 other ‘pink crystal’ crystal essences and 4 essential oils to bring the energy vibration of Love.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz – pale pink - clears and balances emotions, brings loving acceptance of the self, for dry skin. Rose Quartz is an excellent healer in times of emotional turmoil, heartache or stress, bringing a sense of calm and inner peace.

Be aware that it isn’t always soft, pink and fluffy, and may, for a while, feel challenging as old emotions release.

Find Rose Quartz here and here

Love Aura Mist Spray contains Rose Quartz crystal chips, 5 ‘pink crystal’ crystal essences and 4 essential oils to bring the energy vibration of Love.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz – gently and quietly grounding, aids release on all levels – emotional, mental and physical. It is a wonderful support for anxiety and agitation, stress and overwhelm, and helps to release and clear pain in the body, mind and emotions.

Find Smoky Quartz here and here


Sodalite – calming, helps many people to sleep. Sodalite is very calming, even sedative, and can help panic attacks. It is deep and strong, slowing everything down, bringing order from chaos and encouraging rational thought and objectivity.

Sodalite may not be a good choice if you are struggling with depression or low mood.

Find Sodalite here

Menopause Bracelets


Aura Mist Sprays

As well as Menopause Bracelets, our Aura Mist Sprays are also useful tools for self help for menopausal symptoms.

All Aura Mist Sprays are made from my own recipe, carefully and meticulously developed over many years. I use excellent quality essential oils (organic and/or wildcrafted wherever possible) with my own crystal essences that have been created at my home over the past 25 years in the sacred ceremony circle beneath old oak trees.

Every single bottle is made by me personally.

An afternoon of Aura Spray making is a truly alchemical experience with every bottle being created with love and pure intent in small batches. I usually work around the Full Moon or with significant astrological events. The bottles then sit for a while, often beneath my copper pyramid or in a crystal grid, until they are ready. Each batch is quite unique!

Personally, I did not have a difficult menopause, but I have listened to the experiences of many friends and clients. One thing that many woman say they would not have been without is Sage Tea.

Several of you mentioned aches and pains, stiff joints, etc. and, as well as crystals I’d really recommend regular magnesium salts baths (epsom salts).

Sue Lilly Crystal Layouts

Sue Lilly has kindly said that I can share her menopause crystal layouts with you.

Find these layouts (and lots of other useful practical crystal information) in The Practical Guide to Crystal Healing by Sue and Simon Lilly.

You can buy Rhodonite tumblestones here:

You can buy a pack of Jet, Thulite and Jade here:

Susun Weed

It’s nothing to do with crystals, but I’d really recommend this book (or indeed anything else by this author, who is one of my inspirations!)
Susun Weed, The Menopausal Years, The Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30 to 90

My personal view is that many of the problems we have with menopause (or menstruation, fertility/infertility, birth, post natal depression, etc. ) are a direct result of women trying to live in a way that does not suit our bodies and rhythms at all.

Our energy levels vary throughout the month, throughout the year and throughout our lives. The world we have created is all about exploitation and profit and is deeply unhealthy, for men as well as for women. In many ways, we are fortunate that our bodies let us know when something is wrong. We can then choose to listen to the messages from our bodies, or not. We can find ways to work more with our natural rhythms and ways to look after ourselves and bring balance wherever possible.

Ideally, I believe we should have Moontimes of rest and retreat, loads of support for mothers pre, during and post birth so that they do not need to earn money while growing and raising babies, and a year’s sabbatical for menopause while we rebirth our new selves! I’ve been dreaming this for many years. In the meantime, I offer you Menopause Bracelets, Aura Mist Sprays and share a few links from other Wise Women that might help.

Sharing with Love

Calling the mothers, the grandmothers, all women - a Mother’s Day eve meditation

This isn’t a normal blogpost. It’s a calling for women to rise and join together in service to Mother Earth
For the children. For seven generations.

A Mother’s Day eve meditation
Saturday 26th March at 7pm

I have heard the children crying. It ripples across our earth and it is a cry that will not go unheard. No harm shall be done to the children.”

I just keep feeling in my heart, ‘I don’t stand with any one, I stand with every one. Every one is one.’ 
I cry for the pain of Ukraine and for the pain of the Russian people who this war does not represent. 
I cry for the people who have forgotten who they are and pray that they remember.

Entire nations of people should not be caught in the middle of a world-sized playground brawl.

I would love to start a movement/event for mothers to come together to say no, enough, stop, this is not who we are or who you are. It almost feels like there’s a collective yearning for re-parenting.
There is a lack of leadership…Who will lead our leaders?…As women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, the divine feminine. It is time for us to rise up, anchor our presence and bring balance to the distorted masculine.

It’s in our love, we rise above and soften into our strength. A remembering for the collective.

These are words shared by Danielle Smith.

For a long time I’ve been saying that we need more input from the mothers and grandmothers to bring balance. The distorted masculine is totally out of control and the divine feminine must rise to bring balance.

I met Danielle last summer. She turned up at the Crystal Barn carrying a very young baby. She was glowing with love for her baby. She reminded me of a young me - totally in awe of the magic of birthing, of new life, of the power of woman. Now, as life gets ever crazier, her enthusiasm and passion ignited something in me.

My time for physical action has passed, but I can support and encourage the young women - hence this collaboration.

In thinking about what we could do, I revisited some old memories. These photographs are from 1983 - at Greenham Common and Peace Actions in Plymouth - and that baby is 40 this year. It seems so long ago and yet we are still up against the same craziness.

We’re in good company. 
“I do honestly think that if women were running the world there would be more investment in peace, because basically as women we do not want to see our children killed. Maybe I am completely idealistic, but until we see women in equal positions of power in the world, I just think that we are doomed.”

- Meryl Streep

So we’ve been holding the question about what we can do, and we decided to offer a space to come together as a circle of women and hold sacred wombspace to birth peace.

It’s Mothering Sunday very soon and we thought that would be a good time to act.

More words from Danielle:
‘Mother’s Day is one of the most sacred days of the year for me. Not because I get cards or thanks for what I do, but because I’m able to celebrate the miracle of life and experience the absolute joy of unconditional love. 
Whatever choices someone makes, whatever day-to-day drama there is trying to corral you into judgement and having an opinion - it’s all made up - everyone and everything is someone’s child and by remembering that, you see that love actually is everywhere’

We invite all ADULT women to join us for an

Online Meditation - link below

Saturday 26th March at 7pm

We anticipate it taking about an hour 
- maybe a bit more if there are lots of us.

Our intention is to work with the sacred fire in our hearts and the water of our wombs. Women who no longer have physical wombs still have spirit wombs and since we are intending to birth energetically and not physically, our spirit wombs are all we need for this purpose.

Please have a candle and a small container of water close to you as you sit at your computer, iPad/tablet or phone.
If you like, you can take the water onto the land/Big Mama the following day - Mother’s Day.

If you can manage to gift yourself some space/time, then do so. If your children are with you, that’s fine too. It’s the reality of life for mothers and what we are aiming to do is for the children - now and future generations.

Peace creates more peace, leading down a path of collaboration, love and connection…To ourselves…and to each other.

Join Zoom Meeting

Just to be super clear - all women are welcome. 
You don’t have to have given birth.

If men want to support the women in this meditation, loving support is very welcome. Please look after the children, make tea, hold space for the women. Surround us in love while we create this dreaming. Thankyou.

Winter White & Clear Crystals

Last week I wrote about clear/colourless Quartz and how I liked to work with it in the period between Winter Solstice and the first stirrings of new life. I said I’d share my thoughts on some more clear/white stones, so here goes!

Moon/Girasol Quartz

‘White’ Quartz varies from being totally clear to milky to opaque white. I wrote about clear/colourless Quartz last week. Milky Quartz is much less intense that Clear Quartz. It has the same properties but in a much softer way.

In early crystal writings, the very clear was considered to be masculine and the more milky was feminine, and it was often recommended that you find a pair - one for each hand. Maybe try that and see what you find.

A special kind of milky Quartz is Girasol or Moon Quartz. It comes from Madagascar and has a truly beautiful and quite magical opalescence. Moon Quartz is both gentle and powerful, with a subtle, quiet strength. It is very feminine and connects with Moon energy and cycles of creativity. It aids intuition and deep knowing and is a great dreaming stone.

Find it here

Snow Quartz

Snow Quartz is white and opaque. Often overlooked in favour of more striking or flashy stones, it is smooth and gentle bringing the clarity and expansiveness of Clear Quartz but in a much softer way. It encourages and supports intuition in a balanced way.

Snow Quartz can bring calm peace in times of turmoil, creating space for us to make sense of things and bring understanding.

Find Snow Quartz here

Clear/Ice Calcite

Calcite is a common mineral, found in many environments worldwide. Calcite is the main mineral that makes stalagmites and stalactites. It is found in a wonderful range of colours including clear/colourless orange, green, blue, aqua, honey, rosey red and occasionally black.

Clear Calcite is often mistaken for Clear Quartz but it is much softer and has a different sheen. It is easily scratched so you need to take care of it. If you keep Calcite tumblestones in bag with the Quartzes, including Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Agates, Jaspers, the Calcite will be damaged quite quickly. This isn’t an esoteric thing; it’s physical.

As with the physical softness, the energy is much softer than Quartz. It isn’t a lightweight though. It has deep and profound qualities even though it ‘comes in gently’.

All the Calcites have a clearing, cleansing property and can feel quite refreshing. Clear Calcite is excellent for purification, especially of mind and spirit.

Find Calcite here


Howlite is, in my opinion, one of the very overlooked stones and I really appreciate the gentle, calm presence. It is relatively inexpensive and so is readily available. In its natural state it is white with grey markings. It is very porous and it is often dyed rather lurid colours. Blue dyed Howlite is frequently sold as Turquoise.

Howlite is a beautifully calming stone that is often overlooked and undervalued. It settles fraught emotions and frazzled minds, enabling us to listen to the wisdom of our higher selves. Unusually for a white stone, it is also quite grounding and stabilising, though never heavy.

Find Howlite here


‘I come into alignment with my true and divine purpose’

As we begin to emerge from the rest and retreat time of deep winter, there’s a time of opening up the dreaming that we’ve been holding through the dark times. It’s a time when we examine our values; a time of planning and looking forward to what we wish to manifest. It isn’t yet time to act, but it is time to open up our mind - to examine known possibilities and expand into new ones.

I find the clear/colourless/white crystals to be especially helpful at this time, and today I’m writing about Quartz.

Clear Quartz is considered by many to be the “master crystal” for healing, and has been respected throughout history as a powerful healer, transformer and teacher. For many people, Clear Quartz is what the word “crystal” describes.

In our world, where we are encouraged always to seek the new, Quartz is often overlooked, or worked with then discarded as people seek more and more new and different crystals. I have lots of Quartz in my life - all over the place in house and garden as well as in the Crystal Barn and Healing Room - and I value it immensely. It’s the first crystal I introduce students to and I ask them to work with it for quite a long time. Even if there were no other crystals available to us, there is a lot that we can do with Quartz because we can work with it in so many ways.


Clear Quartz is pure quartz, silicon dioxide (SiO2), with no impurities. Quartz crystals generally occur in groups of six-sided prisms with pyramidal terminations, though single crystals are also found. It is also found in aggregate or massive form (lumps!). Quartz crystals range from very tiny to huge “earthkeepers”, which may be larger than a human. Quartz is frequently “milky”, but is sometimes perfectly clear. There are often horizontal striations on the vertical faces, and it has a hardness of 7.

Quartz is also found as a constituent mineral in many igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. A familiar example is granite.

Quartz often has minute inclusions of other minerals or elements, which may produce colour, e.g. amethyst, rose quartz, citrine. Some mineral inclusions are visible as one substance within another, such as tourmaline in quartz, rutilated quartz, or phantoms. Also found are crystals with inclusions of gas or liquid. Not all quartz forms crystals which are visible to the naked eye. Much quartz is microcrystalline – made up of many tiny crystals. Microcrystalline quartz does not have the characteristic six-sided geometric shape. Examples include the agates, jaspers, chalcedony.

Because Clear Quartz embodies the frequency of pure white light, which contains all colour vibrations, it works in many ways and on many levels.

My personal experience of the Spirit of Clear Quartz is of a bright, white star in an icy, snowy vastness. There is total purity, an absolute limitlessness, and the bright star of inspiration. These are the qualities that I like to draw on at this time in the Wheel of the Year.

For many people, their first experience of Clear Quartz crystal is one of increased balance and harmony. They may feel calmer; or they may feel more energised and positive, depending on what is needed.

Often, however, clear quartz can bring a challenge.

Clear Quartz teaches us about clarity, purity, focus, direction and directness. It can help to clear any energy that is not in alignment with our Spiritual Blueprint, and bring us into alignment on all levels of being.

Before we are born, our Soul/Spirit Self makes choices about how we will incarnate in order to learn the lessons needed to contribute to, or complete, our evolution. As we experience the lessons of life, we often become out of balance, and the path of rebalancing forms a large part of our learning and growth.

Clear Quartz can help to release negative and limiting emotions, and thought patterns and beliefs which no longer serve us. As these move out of our energy bodies, there is often a corresponding energy change in the physical body. These changes, on physical, emotional and mental levels can be very challenging. They may be experienced as intense heat or cold, headaches, nausea or sickness, pain in the body, or many other physical symptoms. On emotional and mental levels, there may also be challenges, as painful emotions are brought to consciousness as they are released, and those things that have seemed to form the foundations of our lives are brought into question.

As we release imbalance, disharmony and limitation, we move into a situation where all our energy bodies, all aspects of our being, come into alignment. From this place there is an experience of balance, clarity, and bliss.

We are able to function effectively on all levels, with great clarity and sense of purpose, with minimum effort producing maximum results, and an experience of harmony in all things. We can move gently, but powerfully, through life, making our own personal contribution to the world, taking full responsibility with joy and in appreciation.

As our awareness changes, we may find it easier to access the multidimensional world of Spirit. Humans have worked with the energy of Clear Quartz in this way for millenia. It has been used to aid meditation, develop sensory and “super-sensory” awareness, including telepathy. Clear Quartz is an excellent aid to dreamwork, though some people find it much too stimulating to get any sleep with.

Quartz is a natural amplifier of energy, and placed with any other crystal, will increase the effect of it’s energy. This is why much jewellery is created with smaller gemstones joined to clear quartz crystals. Not only are the two energies combined, but the quartz amplifies the energy of the other crystal or crystals..

Clear quartz can also intensify and direct a “healer’s energy”, and so may increase the effectiveness of any hands-on, spiritual, chanelled, reiki, or other energy healing.

Clear Quartz is found throughout the world. You are most likely to find quartz that has come from Brazil, Madagascar, Arkansas, China, Himalayas. Quartz from each location has a very distinctive personality.

Much quartz is not totally clear. In addition to the many colored varieties, there are degrees of clarity in “white” quartz, ranging from totally clear and transparent, through Milky Quartz, to the opaque whiteness of Snow Quartz. A single crystal may be quite white and opaque at the base, growing to clarity at the termination. I’ll write about Snow Quartz and Moon/Girasol Quartz soon.

If you are beginning work with crystals, and you are inviting spiritual growth and healing into your life, or if you are ready for a quantum leap, I would recommend that you take the time to find a Clear Quartz with which you strongly resonate, and dedicate some time to working together. It does not matter if this is an unpolished “natural” crystal, single or double terminated, a tumbled quartz, crystal ball or other shape. None are “better” nor “more powerful”. Just be awake to that which calls you, and invites you on a journey of discovery.

Find Quartz here:

And please do keep popping back, because we are adding items all the time.

New Year and New Moon

Each year, when I open the door to the crystal barn after the winter rest, I walk into a space with an amazing sense of peace. The windows are still covered and the barn has been in complete darkness since our Winter Ceremony; the remains of the altar stand untouched; all is quiet and very still.


At Samhain, my intention is always to begin the process of withdrawal – moving from the outer to the inner world. There is a sense of becoming more inward – of connecting more to the Earth element – but it can be hard to fully realise this in a world that becomes ever more focussed on being busy and I find that my actions usually lag behind my intention.

Little by little as the days become even shorter and the nights even longer, nature withdraws, the trees lose their leaves and my chickens stop laying. As our Solstice Ceremony approaches, my need for hibernation becomes quite desperate until it is utter bliss to sit with like-minded souls in quiet stillness and complete Darkness until we witness the tiny spark that begins the return of the Light.


Although we have reached the turning point from dark to light, the time that follows is my time to fully retreat and immerse myself in Winter. Following the ceremony we close the doors and leave the space in darkness and stillness. The webshop is closed and all work ceases. It’s time to fully withdraw into home and hearth. This precious time for myself becomes more special year by year - time for myself to be shared only with close family.

By not tidying up after ceremony, a physical and energetic space is held in which the winter pause is allowed, enabled and supported. This dark and empty space assists me, and all who have participated in our ceremony and who choose to do so, to fully ‘winter’. Allowing ourselves to retreat fully into the darkness and slowness enables the time of rest, release and reflection, of planting our dreamseeds, of recuperation and renewal which is essential to the flow of life as the wheel turns.

My crystal of choice for this time of retreat and dreaming is Labradorite.

Labradorite is a feldspar that, at first, appears to be grey and non-descript. However, as it is turned, it displays flashes of the most beautiful colours – peacock blue, green, pink, gold. This gives it a magical quality, which provides a clue its nature.

Labradorite connects us directly to Source – to the Great Mystery that is at the heart of Creation. This Mystery remains beyond understanding – however much we try to understand it, explain it, contain it, quantify it.

It shows us, if we are willing and able to look, that although we are embodied on Earth, we are of the Stars and of God. How we choose to express the Divine in our lifetime here on Earth is entirely up to us.

When meditating with Labradorite, I am first aware of my Earth Star Chakra, my rootedness here on Mother Earth. Next I soar upwards, higher and higher, until I come to a place that is beyond my knowing – and still my consciousness soars upwards. Then I become aware of my heart at the centre of my Being, and understand that being in my heart, I link Heaven and Earth.

Some sources suggest that Labradorite can be used for specific physical problems, but I do not understand that Labradorite is to be used in this way.

Labradorite is Mystery and Magic – the mystery of creation, and the magic of how we manifest that on the physical level. If you want to celebrate that magic, work with Labradorite. If you have lost your way and feel disconnected from the magic of Life, work with Labradorite.

Hold a piece while meditating; put a piece under your pillow and ask for dreams that will guide you; wear it to celebrate Life on Mother Earth, or, if you feel lost, to help you to remember that you are a child of God, presently having a physical experience on our beautiful Mother Earth.

Labradorite teaches about the mystery and magic of Creation, awakening psychic perception and opening us to greater understanding and wisdom. It connects the Heart with Goddess/God.

In the natural way that things are, eventually the deep, dark, earthy space transforms into Light. It can’t be otherwise.

The new Light energy is often present in our crystals grids in the form of tiny Herkimer Diamonds on Black Obsidian mirrors.

We’ve just had the beginning of a new year according to our human calendar. This time of year gathers significance due to the fact that we collectively put our attention to it, but there is nothing intrinsically significant about ‘New Year’. For some the New Year begins at Winter Solstice; for others at Samhain. This year, however, we also have a New Moon close to calendar New Year and the power of a New Moon has tangible and true cosmic significance. As all women know, every Moon/month has a seed time, a growth, a peak and then decline. With the New Moon this evening, it is the perfect time to clear the Winter Solstice altar and quietly make space for new intentions and new dreams.

For me, the crystals that help as we move forward at this time are white and colourless and I’ll write about some of these very soon.

Until then, I wish you as much rest as you need. There is absolutely no hurry to emerge into a crazy world. Seeds take their time. If rushed, they become thin and weak. Over the years I’ve learned that action is much more effective when it comes at the right time as part of the turning of the wheel, when it is not rushed and when it does not dominate.

Gift yourself time to rest.
Gift yourself peace.
Bless yourself with gentleness.
Gather energy.
Take time to allow your dreamseeds to build.

New Moon, Solar Eclipse and prayers for wisdom, peace and kindness on Mother Earth

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Today the Horse Drum spoke to me. Told me off is more accurate!

(If you’re uncomfortable with the thought of being spoken to by a drum, maybe don’t read this blogpost 🙂.
If you want to read more about the Horse Drum, please scroll down to earlier blogposts.)

Over the past week, as we approached the New Moon/Solar Eclipse that’s due tomorrow, I’ve had many thoughts of creating a crystal grid. Here in Cornwall we are very aware of the gathering of ‘world leaders’ for the G7 meeting that is supposed to address ‘tackling climate change and preserving the planet's biodiversity’ and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse creates a powerful opportunity for releasing old ways and choosing a new way forward.

I’ve been super tired since the show at the weekend and I’d given up on having any energy to focus on anything. I went to the Crystal Barn, where Joanna was cleaning the cabinets before putting the crystals back. I dusted a windowsill and hung a up a few bracelets when the Drum spoke loud and clear and asked me what I thought I was doing. I was asked why I wasn’t making a grid when I knew one was needed and I said I had been too tired and just couldn’t get it together. ‘Then why are you wasting the little energy you have on dusting?’

Suitably chastised I took out a shell and some sage and started to smudge myself. Below I’m sharing the growth of this grid and I offer it as an energy focus for tomorrow. The New Moon is late morning.

I will also be joining The Children’s Fire during the time of the G7 meeting. Maybe see if it calls to you too.

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I placed the central crystal - a beautiful Madagascan Chrysoprase flame. The crystal grid then grew in an unusual way, since the first to gather were the ‘supporters’ - the standing Quartz and sphere that have held the balance of feminine and masculine in many ceremonies, the relatively new Quartz in the centre that was part of our work last year, Layla (Amethyst) and Liliana (Rose Quartz). Next came the outer circle with Petrified Wood slices to bring in ancient Earth wisdom and Chrysocolla for feminine wisdom and universal harmony.

Please understand that when I describe the qualities of the crystal energies, I am only thinking about this now, as I write. I don’t think in that way when creating the grid. I am just the legs that move the box to the table and the hands that take the crystals out of the pouches.

Next came in 12 Moldavite and 12 Herkimer Diamonds - tiny pieces that pack a powerful punch! These are both initiators of change and transformation. Then came in 6 Iolites for vision and spiritual guidance.

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After the Iolites came Blue Tiger’s Eye, also known as Hawk’s Eye. Hawk’s Eye brings a deep wisdom and peace. It is good for settling the mind and helping to step back from problems. Hawk’s Eye can help us to see things from a higher perspective and see the truth in complicated situations. Between is more Petrified Wood - green this time - and Peridot for cleansing, detoxification and to open the heart to joy. And to complete this part of the grid came Preseli Bluestone - a stone of these islands that connects heaven and earth.

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I’d just placed the Bluestones when I felt the presence and heard the voice of a dear friend who passed into spirit last year. She wanted the beautiful Moon Drum that was gifted to our Moon Sisterhood to stand by the grid. I told Joanna what had just happened and she said that ‘she probably wants the snake to be in there too’. Dee had gifted the snake to me and it is a powerful link to the Rainbow Serpent energy line that circles the planet.

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The crystal grid was completed with Rose Quartz hearts and Pink Petalite to bring in the highest frequencies of Love and Cosmic Consciousness.

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Candles were lit and I sat and drummed.

Should you wish, I invite you to use this image as a focus for drumming, for your dreaming, for your prayers for the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and over the next few days.
Shared with love and crystal blessings
Sue xxx

“When you sit and you council for the welfare of the people, think not of yourself, nor of your family.

Make your decisions on behalf of the seventh generation coming.

Those faces looking up from the earth, layer upon layer waiting their time.

Defend them.

Protect them.

They are helpless, they are in your hands.

That is your duty.

Your responsibility.

You do that, you yourself will have peace.”

– Chief Oren Lyons quoting the Peacemaker

It's almost Spring Equinox. It's green time.

As we move towards Spring Equinox, I feel the green energy coming in.

For me the calendar year begins with white and space - leafless trees, white skies, frost on the grass, snow (sometimes!) and snowdrops - and the very first stirrings of life as Bridie awakes from her slumbers. It then moves to yellow as the energy of hope and promise grows and the banks are adorned with the joy of daffodils. I wrote about this is my last blogpost, and I’m delighted to say that my home is still filled with daffodils wherever I look.

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The Lilac buds outside my door are now full and bursting. The Oak tips are shimmering, the pussy Willows are opening, the birds are busy and very loud at dawn. I hear the Woodpecker when I first get out of bed. As I write this, the sun is shining and washing is drying in the breeze. We’ve had lots of days like this, but then some mornings it’s so cold and dark that it feels like we’re still in winter.

The Equinoxes are a balance point - equal day and night; equal dark and light; the point where the inner world of the winter is almost gone and the outer world of the summer calls. As with all transitions, the Equinoxes can feel chaotic and stressful, and I’ve certainly heard of many, many people feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, unsettled. There’s a feeling of something happening - something coming in - but we’re not quite clear what that is or how it will manifest.

For each of us it’s a time to move forwards, beginning to act on dreams seeded at midwinter and nurtured until now. It’s a good time for green crystals that can help us to hold balance, to detoxify, to nurture on all levels, to assist connection with the world of plants spirits, to bring hope and joy.

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Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is a pale to deep quartzite stone with sparkly bits of Mica. It is a quiet, reserved stone that is often overlooked.

Green Aventurine is about balance; it can lessen overactive conditions and increase depleted or depressed conditions, whether physical, emotional or mental. Because of the colour, it has traditionally been associated with the Heart Chakra, and is excellent for calming anger and soothing a wounded heart, but it is also a good all round healer on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels for people of all ages. It is very gently supporting and brings peace and comfort.

Green Aventurine brings the energy of early spring – new buds unfurling and daffodils! It is an excellent ally for all new beginnings – new homes, new relationships, new projects, new jobs, etc. It has an youthful quality, and is often attractive to children. For those who feel inclined, Green Aventurine can assist in connecting with the faery beings.

You can buy Green Aventurine here.



Bloodstone is a Jasper or opaque Chalcedony. Chalcedony is a kind of Quartz that forms in lumps or chunks - never as a single crystal or crystal cluster. Bloodstone is mainly deep green with red, and sometimes yellow, flecks. It has also been called Heliotrope.

Bloodstone is excellent for this time of year, since it is a wonderful stone for detoxing. Along with picking the new shoots of nettles to make soup and tea, carry or wear Bloodstone to cleanse and nourish. Bloodstone grounds energy, but not in a heavy way. It brings support and stability and increases energy and vitality. If you are ill or feeling low following illness and need a boost, bloodstone can give steady, reliable support.

You can buy Bloodstone here.


Moss Agate

Moss Agate and Tree Agate are beautiful forms of quartz chalcedony that have tree or fern like inclusions or dendrites which give the names.

The base of Tree Agate is white Quartz; the base of Moss Agate is clear Quartz, but there is often some overlap, with some stones having areas of both white and clear. The dendrites are mainly green and created by the inclusion of various metals. There is no organic matter in the stone.

Both varieties bring a wonderful healing energy, which is quite slow and gentle, but deep acting. They combine spirituality with the natural physical world, connecting and balancing above and below, an also left and right, within our being. They remind us that we are Nature herself – Life expressing herself through each and every one of us – and can thus support us to remember our true spiritual Beingness. In doing so, and thus understanding our place in the world, we can step away from ego, become more grounded in our lives and more healthy on all levels, with stronger immune systems and better relationships with ourselves and others. I absolutely love this stone, and fully appreciate her beauty and magic.

Through the doctrine of signatures, these stones have been considered to help with nervous system disorders. They have also been used for healing plants and supporting gardening.

You can buy Moss Agate here.

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Jade has been valued for healing since ancient times. It is deeply calming, helping us to find our still centre in times of stress, overwhelm or negative influences. It is also strongly protective.

Jade promotes wisdom and peace, and helps us to reconnect with the Whole of which we are a part, so that we can be filled with love, gratitude and appreciation for the beauty of Creation.

On a physical level, it has an affinity with the kidneys and bladder.

You can buy Jade here.

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Serpentine connects us with the ancient wisdom of the Earth, reminds us that we are not separate but part of Earth, and that matter and spirit are One.

It is both grounding and energising - deeply and profoundly healing on all levels. It works well to ground high frequency crystal energy.

You can buy Serpentine here.

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Bowenite/New Jade

Bowenite or New Jade is a kind of Serpentine that is cleansing, detoxifying and deeply calming. It has the profound spiritual depth of Jade, but it also has a lightness and sweetness that makes it easy to be with.

If you spend a lot of time at a desk or in an 'unnatural' environment, New Jade brings a breath of fresh air and a lovely, calm energy.

You can buy Bowenite/New Jade here.

Green and Pistachio Calcite

Calcite is a common mineral, found in many environments worldwide. Calcite is the main mineral that makes stalagmites and stalactites. It is found in a wonderful range of colours including orange, green, blue, aqua, honey, rosey red and occasionally black.

Although Calcite works at deep and profound levels, it ‘comes in gently’ and can be easier to work with than some other minerals. For this reason I often recommend it for children.

Green Calcite is clearing, cooling, releasing and refreshing - particularly on an emotional level. For those who hold emotion in the digestive system, Green Calcite is a wonderful choice to soothe a stressed tummy.

Pistachio Calcite is a relatively new discovery. It is a beautiful pale blue/green with a wonderful, uplifting, high frequency energy that clears the heart of old, stuck emotion, making way for new experiences.

Calcite is a soft mineral, and is seldom made into jewellery. It is easily scratched by other crystals and coins in purses and pockets, so you need to treat it with care. It is good to incorporate in a charm for a child's bedroom.

You can buy Green and Pistachio Calcite here.

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Green Opal

Green Opal is an opaque opal that varies in colour from extremely pale through rich, lush green to quite dark green.

It brings me a really lovely sense of wellbeing. It is very calming; soothing ruffled emotions and slowing and settling a busy mind. It feels a bit like the heart supporting, earth loving energy of Jade, but is lighter and not so deep. It’s a lovely stone to meditate with.

You can buy Green Opal here.

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Peridot is clearing and detoxifying, helping us to clear and release old baggage. It is a wonderful spring tonic, and is uplifting, positive, optimistic and joyful, connecting us with physical and spiritual abundance.

You can buy Peridot here.

I wish you a very

Happy Spring Equinox

We’ll be at the Hurlers Stone Circles at midday.

Because of restrictions, we aren’t able to plan a gathering.

If you happen to be passing the carpark at 11:45, maybe even with your drum, we’ll probably see you.

It's Springtime. It's yellow time. It's Citrine time.

I woke up this morning with joy rising in my heart. It wasn’t until quite some time later when I went out to feed the chickens that I saw what an absolutely beautiful day it was, but I’d definitely felt the uplift of spring as soon as I awoke.
This time of year is Citrine time for me. It’s yellow time. I tend not to choose yellow for much of the year but when I find myself choosing yellow roses and tulips instead of my usual white and pink I know the energy is shifting.


I’d been saying to Joanna that it’s time to add more Citrine to the webshop. She’s in the process of doing so, and yesterday I finally brought a huge bag of gorgeous natural Citrine tumblestones from the garage to the Crystal Barn. It’s been sitting waiting to be sorted for years! Here you can see me sorting them into sizes. Joanna’s taking photographs and Linda’s been counting and sorting spheres. We’re the happy trio who have been sending crystals to you. (We’re well spaced in a large barn with plenty of ventilation, so quite safe.)

Today I couldn’t resist making a Spring crystal grid out in the lovely sunshine. By the time I’d finished the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations meeting, the sun had gone from outside the barn, so the growing area had its first ever crystal grid. I rather like the juxtaposition of beautiful crystals with the mud and dead leaves from last year and the pile of wood chippings and the pile of manure (under protective tarpaulins!). It was very beautiful but rather bright for photographs, so I made the grid a second time in a more usual spot by the barn.


Below I share my experience of Citrine.

“I manifest the light of the sun”

Citrine is a member of the quartz family. It forms single crystals and clusters, and is also found in massive form. Unlike Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz, which often have long parallel sides, Citrine crystals tends to be more stubby.

Natural Citrine is rare and is a pale lemony colour. Most of the Citrine we will experience is Amethyst or Smoky Quartz that has been heat treated. Often people say that only Natural Citrine can be used in healing. It’s one of the places where you will find lots of crystal snobbery, and many people speak disparagingly of ‘baked Amethyst’. If this were the case, then few people would ever encounter Citrine, and it is certainly my experience that many people have benefitted from the yellow crystals that came out of Mother Earth a different colour.

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The energy of Citrine is that of sunshine! For me it is not the hot sun of midday, nor of hot climates. I experience the Spirit of Citrine as similar to that of the morning sun. It is bright and warm and filled with the all the hope of a new day. When attuning to Citrine I often hear the words of the beautiful celebratory song by Eleanor Farjeon:


Mine is the sunlight!

Mine is the morning

Born of the one light

Eden saw play!

Praise with elation

Praise every morning

God's re-creation

Of the new day!

Citrine brings optimism and a fresh brightness to stale situations, clearing away stagnant energy on all levels, and making way for the new. Work with Citrine when you feel emotionally exhausted, or when you are mentally stuck and need a new vision or viewpoint, or when there is stagnation in the body and the cells or organs need a clear out and some new fresh energy. Use for sluggish digestion, to get things moving. Use when it is time for a detox – physically, mentally or emotionally. Citrine is the best crystal ally I know for seasonal affective disorder, as it brings sunshine energy in deepest winter.

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Citrine can be of great help in raising confidence and self esteem, clearing away doubts that may have been implanted by insensitive people, and reminding us of our unique gifts and of who we really are.

On a spiritual level, Citine can help us to remember and reconnect with the pure essence that is Divine and to bring it into our everyday lives – becoming the vehicle for ‘God’s Creation’ as we manifest our physical reality. For this reason, Citrine has become known as a stone for prosperity, and it is often recommended that a piece be carried in the purse, or placed in the till in businesses. But Citrine will not do all the work itself – we need to carry out the physical part of the manifestation.

Citrine brings warmth, but not heat. Citrine brings energy that we can work with, but it is not pushy. I understand the energy of Citrine to be that of offering a potential that we can work with if we choose. If you are about to bring a new project to manifestation, Citrine energy can be of real assistance, perhaps combined with Green Aventurine and Gold Topaz at the seeding stage and Tiger’s Eye when strength and stamina is needed.

If you are recovering from physical illness, emotional or mental exhaustion, Citrine can help when the time is right to begin to come out into a new phase. Welcome the brightness into your life, and ask for help to move forward.


You can wear Citrine and jewellery, or carry a piece with you, in purse or pocket. Meditate with Citrine and ask for inspiration. Create a Citrine Net and lie within it, to detoxify and replace old, tired energy with bright dancing light! Place a piece on the stomach to move sluggish digestion. Place a piece on the heart to clear away sadness and replace with light, hope and optimism.

Crystal Grid constructed of the beautiful natural Citrine borrowed from my home altar, lots of natural Citrine tumblestones, standard Citrine crystals, tiny pieces of rough Madeira Citrine. The latter are rich orange. The name refers to the colour; they don’t come from Madeira.

Buy Citrine here

You can also find Free Factsheets about crystals here. I’m adding more little by little.

We have a new (to us) crystal - Trolleite

Trolleite is a rare stone. Originally found only in Sweden, more recent discoveries have been made in Australia, Rwanda, Brazil and the USA.

I first came across it last year, but it was so very expensive that I didn’t buy any. I was offered some beautiful pieces a couple of weeks ago – still quite expensive, but less so, and very beautiful so I decided to buy a few pieces.

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From the beginning I found them very interesting, but I wasn’t immediately drawn to connect with them. They were happy to sit quietly in the barn – resting and observing. They are very unassuming pieces!

I decided to find out about Trolleite. It is a pale greenish blue phosphate mineral with a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Other phosphate minerals include Apatite, Turquoise, Lazulite and Amblygonite. Other minerals with similar hardness include Apatite, Turquoise (5.5) and Amazonite, Moonstone, Labradorite (6). It has a monoclinic crystal structure like Azurite, Gypsum (Selenite) and Kunzite. The colour is more green than Angelite and more blue than Amazonite.

All of the crystal healing information I have read says that Trolleite is a mix of, or contains, Quartz, Lazulite and Scorzalite, which would make it a rock and not a mineral. I think this is a good example of one person writing something and then lots of people copying it until it becomes ‘truth’! Reliable mineral sources say that Trolleite is often found with Quartz, Lazulite and Scorzalite.

Last week, since the pieces were photographed and ready to be offered for sale, three of us decided to attune to it. We found it to be quiet and unassuming but deep and strong. My first impression was of expansion with a feeling of horizontal space, peace and wellbeing and I felt that it would help with anger, frustration, fear, anxiety. I then became aware that it has a holding quality – rather like a slightly weighted very wide skirt! It isn’t grounding in the sense of deep roots, but it does hold us in the physical. I think it would be help us to stay centred in toxic environments and remain true to ourselves. After this, however, my energy moved upwards in a narrow point. It went up very high, and kept going – and going. I felt it would help us to connect to spiritual truth and ancestral wisdom – to whales and to star beings – always in a profound yet subtle way.

In summary, this is a powerful, high vibrational stone without the buzz of minerals like Moldavite or Phenacite. It is peaceful and subtle, working quietly but powerfully. It can help us expand spiritually, in a true, non-showy way and to express that truth in practical ways in daily life.

I hope you like it. Let us know.

Find Trolleite here

All you need is Love. Valentines Day and pink crystals.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, it gives me the perfect excuse to share some pink crystals with you. Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day in a romantic way, my view is that any reason to focus on love has got to be good. Maybe try being your own Valentine and focus on being loving to yourself. Maybe take time to tell all those people who matter to you that you love them. Maybe make the Earth your love for the day – take a conscious walk with love and appreciation – sing a song of love and gratitude to the land or to the water.

Pink can be gentle or feisty, just like the girls it is often associated with! Pink is a combination of white and red, and the red gives it energy and sometimes passion, so don’t ever write off pink as overly tame or wishy washy.

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Rose Quartz

I’ll start with pink Quartz, called Rose Quartz. It usually comes in lumps as opposed to individual crystals and some of the pieces can be huge. The quality varies from low grade light opaque pink that’s perfect for gardens, to gorgeous high grade that can be deepest pink or beautifully subtle and very translucent and sometimes even lavender.

Rose Quartz radiates Love. Of all the crystals, this is the one of which I say ‘every home should have one’. Every workplace should have one too – and your garden will appreciate a chunk! When in the environment, it encourages us to be kind, tolerant and understanding of ourselves and others.

Rose Quartz helps to find physical and emotional equilibrium. If there is too much heat in the body, she will bring a cooling energy; if there is cold, she will warm. Where there is depression, she will help to lift the spirits. Where there is worry, anxiety, fear, she will help to soothe and calm the emotions.

On a day to day level, Rose Quartz can help to deal with emotional stress of all kinds. With her loving and balancing energy, she is an excellent ally to have in all environments - every home should have one! On a deeper level, she can assist us in the most difficult times, helping us to release painful emotions, healing wounded and broken hearts, and helping us to love and forgive ourselves and others. Some people experience only her gentleness and nurturing, but sometimes the release of emotion needed to bring balance can be very painful indeed, and in these situations, the journey to healing that Rose Quartz brings can be very challenging.

Rose Quartz can help us to be more understanding and accepting of ourselves, especially when we feel inadequate or unworthy. She can also help us to be more accepting of others, moving away from judgement to a more compassionate place. Rose Quartz can help us to see and feel the Beauty.

Read more about Rose Quartz in my Free Factsheet

Browse Rose Quartz here

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Manganocalcite is a soft, creamy, baby pink. Like the Quartz family, Calcite is very common and is found in many colours, ranging from colourless through lemon, honey, orange, rose, green, blue, pale to intense pink and even black. Calcite is a soft mineral and needs to be treated kindly so it doesn’t get scratched.

I find calcite to be fast acting and deeply clearing, yet the energy comes in gently and doesn’t feel intense. For that reason, I use it a lot with babies and children.

Manganocalcite releases conflict and nurtures and balances the heart. It is a gentle but powerful healer of the emotions, including deep seated fear, anger, grief and trauma, and can help to boost self acceptance, self worth and self love and bring forgiveness, peace and wellbeing.

Find my Baby/Child Sleep Bundle here:

Browse Manganocalcite here:

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Cobaltocalcite or Cobaltoan Calcite is an unusual Calcite with Cobalt inclusions making it an intense pink. It isn’t subtle at all! It is usually found in small druzy clusters that can be very sparkly – and sparky! As with all Calcites, it is very clearing, especially on the emotional level. Cobaltocalcite gently yet powerfully clears and cleanses old emotional wounds and stuckness, enabling the heart centre to open so that we can show our true essence and give and receive pure love.

It is also sometimes known both as Aphrodite Stone or Roselite.

Browse Cobaltocalcite here:



Rhodocrosite is a beautiful stone with peachy pink and cream bands and swirls. It is a nurturing stone of love and courage.

Rhodocrosite can support us to recall, face and heal old emotional pain, especially from childhood wounding, and find compassion and self-love, contentment and a sense of wellbeing. In clearing the past there can be a return to joy, so that we can shine our true light into the world.

We are waiting for more Rhodocrosite to arrive. We’re expecting some gorgeous gemmy pieces. It should be here on Monday and will add as soon as we can.

Browse Rhodocrosite here:

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Rhodonite is a pretty opaque pink stone that often has grey or black manganese markings. It is the most grounded of the pink stones.

It is strong and calm, bringing the energy of love into day to day living. It brings stability, practical support, reduces stress and helps to raise self esteem and confidence. It can help you to work towards attaining your needs whilst remaining loving and open. It can support you to bring your gifts forward in service to your community and assist you to live your Soul’s purpose.

Browse Rhodonite here:

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Rose Opal

Opal is a silica mineral, very like quartz, but it is like obsidian in that it has has no crystal structure and it has lots of water within.

I love opal. It has a very magical, mysterious, visionary quality. It works very much on the emotional level, and can magnify whatever emotion you are experiencing.

Rose Opal is a beautiful soft rose pink. It is a very feminine stone that is calming and soothing to the emotions. It also helps us to reconnect with, and trust, our intuition and heart’s knowing.

Browse Rose Opal here:

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is a beautiful crystal with a strong feminine energy that works primarily at the heart and higher heart centres.

Like many of the pink stones, it can help to heal old emotional wounds, and bring a sense of peace, happiness and love. Tourmalines are strong though, and Pink Tourmaline brings the strength and confidence to move beyond soothing your wounds – to step beyond fear and be in the world. It can help you to be in relationship with others, personally, romantically and professionally, and from a place of love for yourself, to be able to listen to, and be with others.

If you feel depressed, dejected or rejected, Pink Tourmaline could help you to love yourself and find the courage to interact with the world in a positive, creative way.

All the Tourmalines have a strong aligning quality, enabling them to work strongly in a ‘vertical’ way through the chakras, connecting heaven and earth.

Browse Pink Tourmaline here:


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Kunzite is a beautiful pale violet pink variety of the mineral Spodumene. It is a lithium-rich crystal that opens the heart to unconditional love. Kunzite is one of those magical crystals that displays dichroism which, in normal language, means that it looks a different colour from different angles. It can be pink one way and lavender the other way!

Kunzite has a high vibrational frequency. It's a bit like fizzy Rose Quartz! It is a stone of Love - not ordinary romantic love, but a high vibration of pure love.

It teaches us that pink is not all fluffy and sweet, as it can be quite ruthless in cutting away anything that is not in alignment with truth, making what might seem ruthless choices when that is what is needed for the greater good. To me it is a stone of the empowered feminine - pure love and true, sometimes ruthless, compassion.

If we are struggling emotionally, it can help us to understand why we feel the way we do, and to make choices from a clear place, thus easing stress and turmoil, and settling emotions. It can support us to cut away that which is not real or in our best interest.

Kunzite opens us to receive love from the Divine, and reminds us that we are each a part of Oneness. It is my favourite stone for welcoming in new souls, and I recommend it as a gift for newborns and new mothers.

It is my favourite stone to give to pregnant women and new mothers, or those trying to conceive consciously, since it brings love and power and also calls to the incoming soul.

Browse Kunzite here:

Crystal Bundle for Pregnancy and Birth here:

More red than pink! For passion!

Thulite, Ruby and Red Garnet bring passion and combine well with the pink stones when that’s what’s needed.

Thulite is pink Zoisite that varies from pale to deepest rose pink. It is a very positive, activating, passionate heart chakra stone, encouraging us to love and value ourselves and take action on self-care. From this place, once our own needs are met, we are able to expand this energy outward to our relationships and interactions with others.

Find Thulite here:

Ruby is a powerful crystal that raises energy and passion, and brings positivity. Being red, it is often considered to be a base or root chakra crystal, but in truth, it is primarily a heart stone. Ruby helps the spirit to settle in the heart, so that we can live our soul’s purpose, expressing the truth of who we are with confidence. It brings love into all our actions, helps us to act with courage and supports leadership, informed by ancient wisdom.

Find Ruby here:

Garnet is a powerful crystal that increases life force energy. I often read that it is grounding, but to me it has a fluid energy with a lot of movement. The Spirit of Garnet appears to me as a beautiful jewelled chalice, overflowing with the most delicious, rich, red wine. It enriches the blood to nourish the body.

Garnet brings energy, positivity, confidence and determination to get things done. If you have been avoiding tackling things that need to be done, or putting up with things you know are not good for you – pick up a Garnet to bring the energy you need - and deal with it.

Garnet is excellent for increasing passion for life, and passion in love. Garnet and Rose Quartz are a great Love mix!

Find Garnet here:

WARNING: Although red crystals increase energy, you need to be relatively strong to benefit from their energy frequencies. If your energy is very depleted, red may be overpowering, and you might benefit initially from the gentle nourishment of pink or green crystals, before bringing in the power of red.

A few suggestions for Valentine gifts of love

We have lots more Crystal Hearts here.

Every piece will come beautifully wrapped in a white organza drawstring bag with fragrant flower petals.

May you love and honour yourself, recognising that you are a beautiful and sacred part of Creation.

May you open to receive Love from the heart of Creation.

From that place, may you extend love to others and to all that is.

Crystal Blessings xxx

Spring Cleaning, Home Blessing Kits, Imbolc, Holy Wells and supporting the community.

Between many damp, grey days we have utterly blissful days. 🌞💛🌱💛🌞
These beautiful, bright days lift my energy and inspire the Spring Cleaning bug.


Last Monday - another glorious day - I had my carpets cleaned (by my wonderful son Jake, who uses a safe, non-toxic process)

While my furniture was moved around, I decided to have a bit of a reorganise - and that started the spring cleaning process.


I love decluttering! I love sorting and emptying drawers and moving pictures and crystals around. I love the space that's created - and when the physical space is clean and clear, it's time to cleanse the energy space.

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Wednesday was spent in my Crystal Barn making up lots of beautiful Home Blessing Kits. You can buy these now in the webshop. Once you have a shell and feather, in future years you can buy 'refills' of sage, sweetgrass and incense.

As well as my insistence on excellent quality, I am always careful to buy herbs, feathers and shells from reputable sources. Because I import ‘in bulk’ I can pass the savings on to you.

I wrote about smudging in a past blogpost, and rather than repeat myself, I invite you to check it out:

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At this time of year, the maiden goddess emerges from her winter sleep. In these lands she is known as Brigid, Bride, Bridie, Bridget and one of her symbols is the snowdrop. The festival of Imbolc marks the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox; the end of winter and the first hints of spring.

Today I put seed potatoes into old egg cartons to begin chitting (growing shoots) and yesterday put my spring broad bean seeds in to soak - first seeds to be sown this year 🌱🌱🌱

Nowadays we tend to fix events to calendar dates, and it’s often considered that Imbolc is on 2nd February, but in truth, Imbolc never was a single day and would be celebrated over a few days when the energy was ‘right’. For me, Imbolc is an energy of newness, so I will celebrate it with the New Moon.

One way to honour this time of year is to visit Holy Wells and to value the importance of Water. Water is such a magical substance, and in the words of the Standing Rock protectors - Water is Life.

An old friend of mine, Helen Fox, has worked with the Holy Wells of Cornwall and produced a wonderful set of divination cards. I can highly recommend them:


Some time ago, I decided to start collecting Art pieces that I love to beautify my home. I'm ecstatic about my growing collection (you can see some of them in the photograph of my sitting room). The treasured pieces I have give me joy every day. Given the year we’ve had, I thought I’d share them - partly to lift your spirits, and partly to support the artists.

Helen Spedding

Jennifer Green

Sophie Fordham

Nick Taylor

Lu Wray who paints the most gorgeous flower paintings. She doesn't have a website. She should!!! 💗💗💗You can see some of her work here:
Pester her to see more of her work:

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Alicia Davies who takes the most amazing photographs. She doesn't have a website. She should!!!
She took this photograph of me. It’s a favourite! I hate having photographs taken because I always feel silly if I have to pose. Alicia took this as I was preparing for Imbolc ceremony some years ago, and I love it because it’s a snapshot of ‘real life’ rather than a posed photograph. You may have seen this image before here:
You can see one of her photographs in the photograph of my sitting room.
You might persuade her to show you some of her photographs and let you purchase 💗💗💗
I had mine printed at

Below is a totally beautiful image of Alicia’s that is so appropriate for this time of year.
I hope you like it as much as Ido.

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Imbolc Blessings to you


Golden Healer for cold, dark, damp days

In the latter part of January, people often begin to feel a bit down. There are occasional clear mornings and sunny afternoons, and emerging flower bulbs bring the promise of spring, but mostly it’s pretty cold, dark and damp and many find it hard to keep spirits bright. Some years ago I came across a crystal that was new to me, and it’s become my favourite ally for this time of year.

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I was shopping at a large wholesaler when saw a sign that read ‘Hematoid Quartz’. I was so turned off by the rather unattractive name that I ignored it. Later, when I’d finished shopping, had crossed off the items on my list (and bought a lot more that weren’t on my list!), I decided to take a moment to check out the crystal that I hadn’t heard of before. It was beautiful! Clear Quartz with yellow, gold and brown veiling, it was a real bonus since there aren’t a lot of crystals in this colour range, but it was when I picked it up that I was won over. It felt absolutely lovely.

Hematoid Quartz is Quartz with Hematite inclusions (or Goethite inclusions - Goethite is an Iron based mineral similar to Hematite). The yellow/gold ones soon became known as Golden Healers - a much prettier name! These crystals hold a lovely bright, clear, warming, uplifting energy that comes in slowly and brings a wonderful sense of well-being. They are excellent to use when light is low and people can experience S.A.D.
I have used them a lot in healing treatments and use to give myself a ‘lift’.

This year in particular, many people are heartily fed up - not just with the virus and the many real challenges we’ve had to face, but with the utter uselessness, outright lies and corruption of those who are supposed to manage the situation. Golden Healer won’t change that, but it might give you a break and bring warmth to your heart and nurturing to your soul - and the more whole we are, the more we have energy to co-create change.

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More recently I was offered crystals with rich red veiling. Clearly these couldn’t be Golden Healers so I call them Rosy Healers! I find these to be stronger, more direct and more ‘practical’, but they are not heavy at all since the quartz brings in a light, bright energy. If you are feeling scattered, and need grounding and focus to get things done, this might be the perfect ally for you.

I now have these beautiful crystals in pebbles, hearts, spheres, eggs and large tumblestones. Each has a completely unique beauty. They are often filled with amazing rainbows that are very hard to catch in a photograph.
Find them here:

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May you be warm, nourished and well!
I send you Love and Crystal Blessings, Sue xx